Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 1-7 Question 3

One concept that I thought was interesting was another rhetorical device. A dysphemism is the opposite of an euphemism, it produces negative effect. I don't usually hear people using dysphemisms, however I always here people exaggerating and using euphemisms. The book says that people use this method to appeal to one group while out casting another which I thought was very interesting. 
The time that this would be seen is when younger kids form their own little groups and outcast other people. I think that from now on I will most likely notice the use of dysphemisms and be aware of the negative effect that it might cause. I don't think it's necessary to use dysphemisms, but I do still think that it's interesting. Dysphemisms can be used to help an argument or statement of an idea. The uses of rhetorical devices can change the decisions of your audience on whether they agree or disagree with you.

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