Friday, December 7, 2012

December 2-9 Question 2

My favorite thing about the class was definitely the open forum aspect of the blogs. We were able to comment on each other’s blogs and give each other feedback on each other’s ideas and thoughts. I think that this aspect is missing in a lot of classes. The sharing of information and ideas is missing in a lot of the classes that I attend now. We tend to, as students, keep to ourselves and forget that college is really a place to share information. My least favorite thing about the class would probably be how we didn’t really have as many application opportunities for what we learned. We did have a few projects here and there, but I think the best thing when learning about critical thinking is putting it into practice and knowing how to think about different things that you encounter in your everyday life. The class could probably be improved by more projects, ones that challenge the student to really put what they’ve learned to the test.

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