Saturday, November 3, 2012

October 29 - November 4 Question 2

Chapter 10 comes up with a lot of good arguments when talking about the idea of children’s food advertising. I think that Wootan and Liodice explain what they are saying very thoroughly and completely. Wootan takes a different side where he agrees with the government’s regulation in advertisement towards kids. This includes things such as censoring certain things on TV. We are currently trying to cut down the large amount of obese children. Liodice argues that we need to stop the regulation of advertisement. He believes that it is the rights of the companies to appeal towards these children and make profit from them. This approach is geared towards a business man approach; everything is about the business and the generated revenue. I think that taking away the advertising would definitely cut down on the obesity, however many of the obese children are learning their eating habits from their parents. That is where the root needs to stop. Parents need to teach their children how to eat and buy the right types of foods for them to stay healthy.

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