Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 5-11 Question 2

Both Sadler and Hunt have good arguments about interne plagiarism. Although I don’t fully agree with either Sadler or Hunt, if I had to choose which I agreed with more, I would have to choose Sadler. Sadler believes that plagiarism is not just copying of another’s work, but an attempt to mislead the reader, an attempt to deceive the reader. Because the reader expects your information to be yours and true, there is a boundary that is crossed. The reader trusts your expertise in the subject in which you are reporting on and is misled when you plagiarize. It is important to Sadler for students to educate themselves about plagiarism and the dangers of plagiarism. Hunt on the other hand, believes that there may be some benefits to internet plagiarism. Although it is wrong, it makes sure that teachers are actually paying attention to their student’s work. Plagiarism has always been looked down on and considered wrong, but Hunt brings an interesting perspective to the playing field

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