Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 1

I think what Sherlock Holmes is saying is that it’s difficult a lot of the times to really separate what’s reality and what’s fabricated by the mind. Some people rely on what they see on the outside and just disregard what really matters, the truth. If one lets their own opinion and assumptions impede on their ability to reason then the whole process is fraud and incorrect.
One time that I let my personal opinions and assumptions change the outcome of my reasoning was when I was young and I had to pick out a type of cake for my birthday party. I loved chocolate so I told her that I only wanted chocolate at my party. She asked “are you sure you don’t want to get some vanilla just in case?” I assumed that everybody liked chocolate and because I liked it so much as well, I said, “Nah, everybody loves chocolate.” It turned out that one of my closest friends was allergic and could not eat the cake and I felt very bad. My assumption and opinion on chocolate cake led me astray.

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