The reason that Jesus tells us that we should not return
hate for hate is because no human has the right to decide the fate of another
human. The decision of punishment is left up to God himself. In Romans 6:23 it
states that the “wages of sin is death.” Although all of this is true, one must
also respect and follow the laws that God has placed before them. This means
that one is to follow the laws of the government. If they fail to do so, then
they will be punished accordingly.
If according to the bible, people are to follow the laws put
before them then the death penalty is not prohibited by this scriptural
passage. One has the choice whether or not to follow the laws that God has
placed before them and if they don’t then they are subject to the punishment
that comes afterwards.
Yes I do believe that no man should have to right to return hate for hate. No human should put someone on capital punishment, yet under what circumstance can we accept capital punishment? The death penalty is not prohibited by the scriptural passage. Then where do we draw the silver lining? To what extent do we place capital punishment to? It is unclear to me where do you stand, with all due respect. I accept that we may not even know where do we stand with the death penalty. I have been shown the death penalty teaches hate for hate. Yet, does letting a person serve life in prison defeat the purpose of punishment? I still have this to conclude. My many question is at what degree do we consider Capital Punishment?